The Clinical Outcomes of Exercise Therapy for a Soccer Player with Stress Fracture of Superior Pubic Ramus

Stress fractures are common injuries that begin with repetitive and excessive stress on the bone. It is very rare that stress fracture was occurred in pubis superior ramus in athletics, and the report concerning the exercise therapy for this fracture was not sufficient in the literature. We report of a case of a 17-year-old male soccer player who suffered from left inguinal pain due to the stress fracture of pubis superior ramus. He was conducted an exercise program that consisted of muscle strength, stretching, aerobic and functional exercise for 2 months. After this intervention, all muscle strength was significantly improved (17%) compared to baseline data, and also flexibility and range of motion were improved. This case shows that exercise therapy considered the cause and cyclic formation of bone remodeling is benefit to improve the exercise performance for a soccer player with superior ramus stress fracture.