A Complex Network Approach for Collaborative Recommendation

Collaborative filtering (CF) is the most widely used and successful approach for personalized service recommendations. Among the collaborative recommendation approaches, neighborhood based approaches enjoy a huge amount of popularity, due to their simplicity, justifiability, efficiency and stability. Neighborhood based collaborative filtering approach finds K nearest neighbors to an active user or K most similar rated items to the target item for recommendation. Traditional similarity measures use ratings of co-rated items to find similarity between a pair of users. Therefore, traditional similarity measures cannot compute effective neighbors in sparse dataset. In this paper, we propose a two-phase approach, which generates user-user and item-item networks using traditional similarity measures in the first phase. In the second phase, two hybrid approaches HB1, HB2, which utilize structural similarity of both the network for finding K nearest neighbors and K most similar items to a target items are introduced. To show effectiveness of the measures, we compared performances of neighborhood based CFs using state-of-the-art similarity measures with our proposed structural similarity measures based CFs. Recommendation results on a set of real data show that proposed measures based CFs outperform existing measures based CFs in various evaluation metrics.

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