Study of a Skewed HPS Bridge and a Culvert Bridge Using LiDAR Scan

This paper summarizes two bridge studies: 1) testing and numerical modeling of a newly constructed skewed hybrid high-performance steel (HPS) bridge; and 2) testing of a culvert bridge near a rock blasting. The first study is for construction verification and the second study is for possible blast damage identification. In the first study, truck load tests were conducted on the first North Carolina HPS 100W girder bridge after construction completion. LiDAR scan technique was used to measure bridge displacements under truck loading. A detailed 3D finite element (FE) model of the bridge was established. Results obtained from numerical analyses were compared with static load tests. In the second study, 3D LiDAR scans of a culvert were performed before and after rock blasting. Possible bridge position changes and damages were investigated. This research demonstrates two applications of LiDAR scan for bridge condition assessment.