cw operation of 1.57‐μm GaxIn1−xAsyP1−yInP distributed feedback lasers grown by low‐pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition

Continuous wave operation of 1.57‐μm distributed feedback lasers fabricated on material grown by two‐step low‐pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition growth process is reported for the first time. Room‐temperature continuous wave threshold currents as low as 60 mA have been measured for devices with cavity length of 300 μm and stripe width of 5 μm. Single longitudinal mode operation at fixed mode was obtained under the continuous wave condition, in the temperature range 9–90 °C, with the wavelength shift of 0.9 A/°C. A stop band of 25 A in which no resonance mode emission existed, was observed in the output spectrum of the distributed feedback laser.