An Automated Modification Method for Distribution Schedules.
Recently, transportation systems such as distribution centers have become large and complex. Therefore, it is considerably important to evaluate efficiencies of transportation of luggage and find the optimal transporting schedule or the layout of each system. In order to solve this problem, various methods have been developed. Simulation is one of the most valuable methods for evaluating whether a layout and a schedule are acceptable or not. However, designers have to analyze the results of the simulation by themselves. A new Time-Skipping method for evaluating efficiencies automatically has been presented in the previous paper for resolving this problem. A method for modifying a distribution schedule automatically is presented. This method consists of the following three subprocedures. (1) Evaluate whether each transportation path is congested or not, by using Time-Skipping method. (2) Find the most congested path, reduce the number of luggage passing through the most congested path and evaluate again. (3) Iterate procedures (1) and (2) until the optimal schedule is obtained. Three types of systems for transporting luggage have been tested. The results show. that this method can be used for evaluating distribution systems and modifying a schedule.