Effect of pH and surface functionalities on the cyclic voltammetric responses of carbon-fiber microelectrodes.

Carbon electrodes are useful for the detection of oxidizable species with cyclic voltammetry. In particular, carbon-fiber microelectrodes have been employed for the measurement of several neurotransmitters in brain tissue. However, during cyclic voltammetry with carbon-fiber electrodes the current varies with changes in concentration of some inorganic cations as a result of their interaction with surface functional groups. The electrode's response to the hydronium ion is a particular concern because its voltammetric response occurs over a broad range of potentials that overlap those of neurotransmitters of interest such as dopamine. This is especially a problem in vivo because simultaneous changes of dopamine and pH frequently occur in brain tissue. In this work, voltammetric current changes are shown to arise from pH dependent shifts in the peak potentials of background voltammetric waves that arise from species confined to the carbon-fiber electrode surface. Polishing the electrode with alumina suspended in cyclohexane in an environment containing lowered oxygen, a method previously demonstrated to remove oxides from the carbon surface, leads to a substantial reduction in the sensitivity to pH changes. However, this is accompanied by a loss in signal amplitude for dopamine. The dopamine response can be restored using the cation exchanger Nafion without significantly increasing the pH response. To investigate which oxide functional groups play a direct role in the electrode's current responses to changes in pH, surface-confined carbonyl and alcohol functionalities were chemically modified. In both cases, the modification did not affect the carbon-fiber electrode's responsiveness to changes in pH. Nonetheless, the polishing technique proved to be effective in reducing pH interferences in in vivo applications.