Passively aligned hybrid WDM module integrated with a spot-size converted laser diode and waveguide photodiode on a PLC platform for fiber-to-the-home

Passively Aligned Hybrid WDM Module Integrated with a Spot-Size Converted Laser Diode and Waveguide Photodiode on a PLC Platform for Fiber-To-The-Home N. Uchida, Y. Hibinot, Y. Suzuki, T. Kurosaki, N. Ishihara", M. Nakamura", T. Hashimoto', Y. Akahorit, Y. Inoue', K. Moriwalu', Y. Yamada', K. Kato, Y. Tohmori, M. Wada and T. Sugie NTT Opto-electronics bboi-utories, NTT LSI Laboratoi-ies * Morinosato, Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa, 243-01 Japan Tokai, Ibaraki, 3 191 1 Japan' Telephone: +8 1-462-40-3 133 Facsimile: +8 1-462-40-4383 E-mail: