MBT시설 고형연료의 Fluff type 전환에 따른 에너지 절감효과 비교분석

In order to cope with resource depletion and global warming, many countries around the world are seeking the technicaland political alternatives and are focusing on production of refuse derived fuel (SRF) as a viable approach. SRF isclassified into pellet SRF and fluff SRF based on the shape. In domestic trend, Pellet RDF has been mainly produceduntil now, but as the quality standard of fluff SRF was set up lately, it is expected to raise supply and demand on FluffSRF after this. Fluff SRF is a solid fuel not to be processed pelletizing step, and has advantages that manufacturing processis simple and economical. In this paper, we selected 3 MBT plants to produce Pellet SRF in Korea and examined reductioneffects of energy and CO2 emission by conversion of pellet SRF to fluff SRF. As a result, the saving energy by theconversion of SRF type is 2,509 Gcal/yr (A), 1,716 Gcal/yr (B) and 1,210 Gcal/yr (C) respectively, and the reductionrate of energy consumption in full process is about 23%~26% by comparison with pellet SRF. Also, the average ofreduction of CO2 emission per unit of MSW is 0.0272 tCO2/ton. After estimating the reduction of CO2 emission of 9MBT plants in Korea, based on the results of a survey of target plants, we concluded that the reduction effect of CO2emission is created 11,374 tCO2/yr.