The use of a natural clay adsorbent improves quality retention in three cultivars of raspberries stored in modified atmosphere packages

The effect of a natural clay adsorbent on quality retention in modified atmosphere packaged raspberries (Rubus idaeus L., cvs 'Chilliwack', 'Malahat', and 'Qualicum') was tested. Fruit packaged with the natural clay adsorbent was much firmer, had less decay, and had fewer dark red overripe fruit after 14 days than those packaged without any adsorbent. The addition of the natural clay adsorbent almost eliminated all the condensation inside the package after 14 days of storage at 1C. The reduction in decay on the fruit could be attributed to the reduction in condensed water in the package. However, effects on firmness retention and the slowing of ripening of the fruit could not be attributed to any measured effect of the clay in this study. The results suggest that a water/ volatiles adsorbent, such as the natural clay used in this study, could be useful in prolonging the shelf-life and improving the quality of modified atmosphere packaged red raspberries grown in a wet climate.