How to use thematic analysis with interview data (process research)

This chapter introduces you to thematic analysis (TA), one of the many methods of analysis for qualitative research. Qualitative research, like all research, begins with a research question. In contrast to quantitative research, in which the research question is determined at the start of the research process, qualitative research questions are fluid and flexible; they evolve and the focus of research can expand, contract, or even change altogether, as the research progresses. To illustrate the procedures of TA we draw on a qualitative study, conducted by Nicola, guided by the following open and exploratory research question: ‘how do women with a self- or formally- diagnosed history of anorexia nervosa (AN) make sense of their experiences of eating disorder (ED) treatment/therapy?’ Information Box 13.1 provides a brief overview of Nicola’s interview study with 12 women participants. Her interest in this question was informed by her professional practice as an ED therapist and her research with ED counsellors (Rance, Moller & Douglas, 2010); see Activity 13.1.