Regularly occurring periods of eye motility, and concomitant phenomena, during sleep.

obtain their surface in square centimeters. This simple method provides a means by objective measurements to make evident changes in the surface of wounds that are not apparent to the naked eye. Figure 1 shows the observations recorded with this method in a man of 42 years of age with hemiplegia and a decubital ulcer over the right buttock. The clinicians who had observed this wound daily had not noticed any remarkable change; however, it is quite obvious that the wound grew larger each time the treatment was changed, and that the use of an antibiotic was followed by a particularly striking enlargement of the lesion. In this instance the procedure of projection and gravimetric planimetry was repeated by different operators and a variation of ±5% was found (indicated by a cross-hatched area on Fig. 1). Figure 2 shows the same type of observation in a woman with hemiplegia and a decubital ulcer. This patient died from septicemia, and the decubital ulcer worsened with the general condition of the patient. A method of gravimetric planimetry by standard photographs offers a means to study the course of surface wounds more accurately than by clinical observation or by the pictorial record alone. References