National Income Expenditure and Output of the United Kingdom 1855-1965.

This is the final volume in this series. It provides estimates for the components of national accounts not dealt with in Volumes 1-5, and covering a much longer time-span than any of the others. Volume 6 has three main objectives: to give a complete set of national accounts for the inter-war years in a form as consistent as possible with the post-war estimates published by the Central Statistical Office; to extend the estimates to cover the years from 1855 or 1870 to 1914 and the two war-time periods, thus giving long-run series of comparable estimates for all the main items; to give, for all series, a concise statement of the concepts and definitions adopted and, for the new series, an account of the sources and methods of estimation. The estimates presented cover all the main accounting aggregates and their principal components. The three customary sets of estimates are provided, based on the summation of factor incomes, of final expenditure and of net output. The expenditure estimates are given at both current and constant prices.