This paper targets the area of business Information System (IS) decision making, where accountable and understandable decision support is needed for all involved stakeholders. When information systems investments are evaluated based on applying different dimensions or attributes to the available alternatives the results have to be consolidated into a single ranking to provide a base for the investment decision. This consolidation itself is a multiple attribute decision problem. In this work the situation is perceived from a social choice point of view; a number of voting rules are described that can be applied to this task. The properties of the results they deliver are analyzed in an ex post case study, and are thereafter explored for typical business IS decisions in simulation analysis. From the latter, results include distance information based on the aggregation results for the set of considered voting rules, which, e.g, can be used to select a method mix for validating ranking outcomes. For the case study, results include rankings of the voting rules being contrasted to the outcome of the standard ranking and scoring technique applied in practice.
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Evaluation and Decision Models: A Critical Perspective
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The neighbor-joining method
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The Selection of Multiattribute Decision Making Methods for Scholarship Student Selection
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Mathematical Derivation of an Election System
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The great IT benefit hunt
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Information Economics: Linking Business Performance to Information Technology
P. Fishburn.
Condorcet Social Choice Functions
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Social Choice and Individual Values
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The Analytic Hierarchy Process
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Multi-criteria Decision Making Methods: A Comparative Study
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A distance-based comparison of basic voting rules
Central Eur. J. Oper. Res..