The LLNL optical streak camera is used by the Laser Fusion Program in a wide range of applications. Many of these applications require a large recorded dynamic range. Recent work has focused on maximizing the dynamic range of the streak camera recording system. For our streak cameras, image intensifier saturation limits the upper end of the dynamic range. We have developed procedures to set the image intensifier gain such that the system dynamic range is maximized. Specifically, the gain is set such that a single streak tube photoelectron is recorded with an exposure of about five times the recording system noise. This ensures detection of single photoelectrons while not consuming intensifier or recording system dynamic range through excessive intensifier gain. The optimum intensifier gain has been determined for two types of film and for a lens-coupled CCD camera. We have determined that by recording the streak camera image with a CCD camera, the system is shot-noise limited up to the onset of image intensifier nonlinearity. When recording on film, the film determines the noise at high exposure' levels. There is discussion of the effects of slit width and image intensifier saturation on dynamic range.
S. W. Thomas,et al.
Investigation Of Other Operating Points For The RCA Streak Tube In The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Streak Camera
Other Conferences.
R. Kalibjian,et al.
Analysis of space charge in photonic tubes
Ralph Kalibjian.
Space-Charge Temporal Broadening Effects In Streak-Camera Tubes
Other Conferences.
L. W. Coleman,et al.
The LLL Compact 10-PS Streak Camera – 1974 Update
R. P. Drake,et al.
Flat-Field Response And Geometric Distortion Measurements Of Optical Streak Cameras
Optics & Photonics.
Bobby A. Jones.
A Lens Coupled Streak Camera Readout System Utilizing A Thermoelectrically Cooled CCD Camera
Optics & Photonics.