Design a learning Spiral Model to make an authentic question: instructional design for learning environment by to enhance the motivation for learning
Existing Spiral Model was made for high school student, is able to inquiry on their own, and for teachers and instructors to use this model. However, in reality, this spiral model is often used as a teaching book, and since it was used as a text for students who entered university, focusing on the use of instructor or teachers to do curriculum design, restructuring I tried. Therefore, we studied a framework to design a curriculum that learners can improve their motivation for learning by performing instructional design at the ARCS model approach (John M. Keller) that enhances learning motivation.
As a result, we have created a new framework to integrate the spiral model into the curriculum and improve the motivation of learning. In the new spiral model, we added 10 worksheets and a motivational checklist to design motivation for learning. The new spiral model makes it possible to design learning support that can be used not only in high school but also in the first year seminar of university.