Plasticity of adipose tissue: a promising therapeutic avenue in the treatment of cardiovascular and blood diseases?

The adipose tissue represents a large amount of adult tissues. For long time, it was considered as a poorly active overgrown and undesirable tissue even if its usefulness was demonstrated in reconstructive surgery. It was studied for its main involvement in energy metabolism and disorders as diabetes and obesity. More recently, its endocrine functions emerged and appeared to play a key role in many physiological situations such as inflammation and immunity. The presence of preadipocytes throughout life was demonstrated using primary culture technology from cells derived from adipose tissue. These cells can display a macrophagic or endothelial potential according to their environment and could be now considered as vascular progenitors. Differentiation of various adipose derived cell subsets towards functional cardiomyocytes, osteoblasts, haematopoietic and neural cells was also obtained in vitro. Altogether, these data emphasise the need to consider with a new look preadipocyte status and adipose tissue biology. These spectacular data, together with the fact that adipose tissue is easy to obtain lead to numerous and promising perspectives in regenerative medicine. They highlight the concept that progenitor cells from adipose tissue constitute an alternative for cells-based strategies designed for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.