The Development of Language and Language Researchers : Essays in Honor of Roger Brown
Contents: F. Kessel, On Words and People: An Introduction to this Collection. D.I. Slobin, From the Garden of Eden to the Tower of Babel. M. Bowerman, Inducing the Latent Structure of Language. J. de Villiers, Faith, Doubt and Meaning. C. Hanlon, The Emergence of Set-Relational Quantifiers in Early Childhood. E. Wanner, The Parser's Architecture. S. Pinker, Learnability Theory and the Acquisition of a First Language. M. Maratsos, Crosslinguistic Analysis, Universals, and Language Acquisition. U. Bellugi, The Acquisition of a Spatial Language. L.A. Petito, "Language" in the Prelinguistic Child. R.F. Cromer, The Cognition Hypothesis Revisited. H. Tager-Flusberg, On the Nature of Language Acquisition Disorder: The Example of Autism. J.B. Gleason, Language and Socialization. C.B. Cazden, Environmental Assistance Revisited: Variation and Functional Equivalence. K. Hakuta, Why Bilinguals? L.M. Coleman, Language and Evolution of Identity and Self- Concept. D.C Rubin, Learning Poetic Language. E. Winner, H. Gardner, L. Silberstein, C. Meyer, Creating a World with Words. E. Rosch, Coherences: A Historical View.