Comparison of laying rations with and without animal protein at the Canadian Random Sample Egg Production Test.

Synopsis For a number of years, the laying ration fed to the hens at the Canadian Random Sample Egg Production Test has contained foodstuffs of animal origin to the extent of 3 per cent meat meal, 2 per cent fish meal, 1 per cent dried whey and 2 per cent tallow. Recently, over a period of 2 years, this ration was compared with a modification in which all of the animal products except tallow were removed. The proportions of the remaining ingredients in the modified diet were adjusted to keep protein, energy, calcium and phosphorus levels comparable in the two rations. In the first test year, the modified diet was slightly superior to the control diet in terms of egg numbers, egg weight and egg quality. In the second year, there were no significant differences in these traits between diets. Although 17 strains were tested in the first year, and 14 in the second, no significant strain × ration interactions occurred in any performance trait. These trials provided no evidence that the laying hen responds to u...