Reduction of microorganisms in thermophilic process of anaerobic digestion of cattle manure

One of the important criteria for the ecological assessment of the effectiveness of anaerobic digestion of organic matter is the degree of microbial decontamination, as measured by the number of sanitary indicator microorganisms. Given the relevance of the problem related to the possibility to limit the spread of zoonoses a number of studies in this areahave been made, including by use of test microorganisms (Popova et al., 2007; Petkov et al., 2008). Results show decontamination in respect of certain basic groups of bacteria when the amount of them in the starting material is not very high (up to 10CFU/ml). Studies of other groups (Philipp et al., 2005, Gannoun et al. 2009) suggest that some pathogens remain somewhat in the final bioslime. One of the methods for sure decontamination of the final product is the thermophilic regime of anaerobic ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 2 Number 12 (2013) pp. 653-660