Introducing the Software Architectonic Viewpoint

Managing evolution of complex software architecture is a continuous challenge in industry. Systems such as mobile handsets undergo a continuous increase in complexity, while the fast market evolution imposes quick integration of new features. Being able to easily manage software architecture evolution is the basis for shorter time-to-market and faster product release. The term “viewpoint” has become familiar with the publication of the IEEE standard 1471–2000 on recommended practices for architectural modelling. Based on the classical 4+1 view model, we have elaborated our own set of viewpoints in order to support our domain-specific architectural modelling needs. We hereby justify the introduction of the architectonic viewpoint, which models the evolutionary aspects of software architecture. The term, as well as the rationale behind it, is inspired from architecture as in buildings. We describe the viewpoint and the way it links to the others we use. Additionally, we briefly elaborate on the other viewpoints that we use for architectural modelling of mobile telephone software architecture. We provide basis for discussion and further research into the matter.