Short description of VIPLEF code
Publisher Summary This chapter presents a short description of VIPLEF code. VIPLEF is frequently modified, principally to take into account the new industrial and scientific requirements and secondarily to take advantage of any new numerical technique provided it does not restrict the scientific aim of the code. The various simplifications of the governing equations existing in this version of VIPLEF and indicated hereafter are not imposed by the numerical processes but have been chosen by the scientific experts. The mass balance law is simplified assuming that the fluid density has small variations in space so that the continuity equation is equivalent to the fluid volume balance law. In the momentum balance laws, static approach is used and the classical Darcy's law governs the fluid flow. In VIPLEF, all rheological non-linearities similar to plasticity are treated with an iterative process based on the Initial Stress Method. But the actual constitutive laws are used without any linearization.