Web Data Mining and Applications in Business Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism

Introduction Trends Supporting Technologies for Web Data Mining Web Data Mining Concepts Web Data Mining and Counter-Terrorism Organization of This Book How Do We Proceed? PART 1 SUPPORTING TECHNOLOGIES FOR WEB DATA MINING WORLD WIDE WEB AND E-COMMERCE Evolution of the Web Introduction to E-Commerce Relationship to Web Data Mining Summary DATA MINING Data Mining Technologies Concepts and Techniques in Data Mining Directions and Trends in Data Mining Relationship to Web Mining Summary CORE DATA MINING TECHNOLOGIES Data Management and Data Warehousing Statistical Reasoning Machine Learning Visualization Parallel Processing Decision Support Architectural Support for Data Mining Relationship to Web Data Mining Summary WEB DATABASE MANAGEMENT Web Databases Semi-Structured Databases Metadata, Ontologies, and the Web Distributed, Heterogeneous and Legacy Databases on the Web Data Warehousing on the Web Architectural Aspects Relationship to Web Data Mining Summary INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEMS Text Retrieval Image Retrieval Video Retrieval Audio Retrieval Multimedia Data and Information Management Question Answering Systems Markup Languages Relationship to Web Data Mining Summary INFORMATION MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGIES Collaboration and Data Management Knowledge Management Agents for the Web Training and Distance Learning Wireless Information Management and Pervasive Computing Sensor Information Management Quality-Of-Service Aspects Some Directions Relationship to Web Data Mining Summary THE SEMANTIC WEB Semantic Web Concepts RDF Role of Ontologies Agents and the DAML Program Semantic Web as a Database XML, RDF, and Interoperability Web Services Note on E-Commerce and Semantic Web Web versus the Semantic Web Data Mining and the Semantic Web Summary PART 2 WEB DATA MINING TECHNIQUES, TOOLS, AND TRENDS DATA MINING AND THE WEB Mining Data on the Web Mining Usage Patterns Web Structure Mining Applications and Directions Summary PROCESSES AND TECHNIQUES FOR WEB DATA MINING Process of Web Data Mining Web Data Mining Outcomes, Approaches, and Techniques Web Data Mining versus Data Mining Summary MINING THE DATABASES ON THE WEB Concepts in Web Database Mining Mining Semi-Structured Databases Metadata and Web Mining Mining Distributed, Heterogeneous, Legacy, and Federated Databases on the Web Architectures and Web Data Mining Summary INFORMATION RETRIEVAL AND WEB DATA MINING Search Engines and Web Data Mining Multimedia Data Mining and the Web Some Other Aspects Summary INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND WEB DATA MINING Collaborative Data Mining Knowledge Management and Web Data Mining Training and Web Data Mining Agents and Web Data Mining Wireless Computing and Web Data Mining Sensor Web Mining Quality of Service and Web Data Mining Other Aspects Summary SEMANTIC WEB MINING Concepts In Semantic Web Mining XML, RDF, and Web Data Mining Ontologies and Web Data Mining Agents and Web Data Mining Web Mining and the Semantic Web as a Database Semantic Interoperability and Web Mining Web Services and Web Mining Web Mining versus Semantic Web Mining A Note on E-Commerce and Semantic Web Mining Summary MINING USAGE PATTERNS AND STRUCTURE ON THE WEB Web Usage Mining Outcomes and Techniques Web Usage Mining Analysis CRM and Business Intelligence Applications Mining Structure on the Web Summary PROTOTYPES, PRODUCTS, AND STANDARDS FOR WEB DATA MINING Prototypes and Products for Data Mining Web Data Mining Products Standards for Web Mining Summary SOME APPLICATIONS FOR WEB MINING E-Commerce And E-Business Business Intelligence Customer Relationship Management Marketing and Sales Enterprise Resource Management Manufacturing and Planning Education and Training Telecommunications Financial Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, and Engineering Medicine and Biotechnology Counter-Terrorism Summary PART 3 WEB DATA MINING APPLICATIONS FOR COUNTER-TERRORISM SOME INFORMATION ON TERRORISM, SECURITY THREATS, AND PROTECTION MEASURES Natural Disasters and Human Errors Non-Information Related Terrorism Information Related Terrorism Bio-Terrorism, Chemical, and Nuclear Attacks Attacks on Critical Infrastructures Non Real-Time Threats versus Real-Time Threats Aspects of Counter-Terrorism A Note on Privacy Summary WEB DATA MINING FOR COUNTER-TERRORISM Web Data Mining for Counter-Terrorism Analyzing the Techniques Link Analysis Summary MINING THE WEB DATABASES FOR COUNTER-TERRORISM Web Database Mining Semi-Structured Database Mining Metadata Mining Warehouse Mining Distributed and Heterogeneous Database Mining Other Aspects Summary INFORMATION RETRIEVAL AND WEB MINING FOR COUNTER-TERRORISM Exploiting and Using Intelligent Search Engines Applying Multimedia Data Mining Other Aspects Summary INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND WEB MINING FOR COUNTER-TERRORISM Collaborative Data Mining Knowledge Management and Web Mining Training and Web Mining Agents and Web Mining Wireless Information Management and Web Mining Sensor Information Management and Web Mining Quality of Service and Web Mining Some Other Aspects Summary SEMANTIC WEB MINING FOR COUNTER-TERRORISM Semantic Web Mining for Counter-Terrorism Building the Semantic Web and Web Mining for Counter-Terrorism Summary WEB USAGE AND STRUCTURE MINING FOR COUNTER-TERRORISM Web Usage Mining for Counter-Terrorism Web Structure Mining for Counter-Terrorism Summary NATIONAL SECURITY, PRIVACY, CIVIL LIBERTIES, AND WEB MINING Background on the Inference Problem Mining, Warehousing, and Inference Inductive Logic Programming and Inference Privacy Issues Inference Problem and Privacy Privacy Enhanced Data Mining Civil Liberties versus National Security Summary REVISITING SECURITY THREATS WITH RESPECT TO WEB MINING Natural Disasters, Human Errors, and Malicious Attacks Non-Information Related Terrorism Information Related Terrorism Bio-Terrorism, Chemical, and Nuclear Attacks Attacks on Critical Infrastructures Non-Realtime Threats versus Real-Time Threats Revisiting Privacy Summary E-COMMERCE, BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE, AND COUNTER-TERRORISM Models for Counter-Terrorism Architectures for Counter-Terrorism Functions for Counter-Terrorism Revisiting Business Intelligence Summary SUMMARY AND DIRECTIONS Summary of This Book Challenges and Directions for Web Data Mining Challenges and Directions for Web Data Mining for Counter-Terrorism Impact of the Department of Homeland Security Where Do We Go from Here? PART 4 APPENDICES DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS: DEVELOPMENTS AND TRENDS Developments in Database Systems Status, Vision, and Issues Data Management Systems Framework Building Information Systems from the Framework Relationship between the Texts Summary DATABASE SYSTEMS AND RELATED TECHNOLOGIES Relational and Entity-Relationship Data Models Architectural Issues Database Design Database Administration Database Management System Functions Distributed Databases Heterogeneous Database Integration Federated Databases Client-Server Databases Migrating Legacy Databases and Applications Data Warehousing Object Technology Summary DATA AND INFORMATION SECURITY Access Control and Other Security Concepts Secure Systems Secure Database Systems Emerging Trends Impact of the Web Summary REFERENCES