[논문] 고층건물에 작용하는 변동풍하중의 특성

To investigate the characteristics of fluctuating wind loads tall building which have a different side ratio, the fluctuating wind loads of along-wind, across-wind and torsional directions were measured through a high-frequency force-balance test. In this paper, two atmospheric boundary layer flow conditions were simulated in the wind tunnel to represent sururban(BL1) and urban(BL2) area. Mean and r m s force coefficients, power spectra of fluctuating of each direction wind loads and coherence functions were calculated at side ratios of 0.25,0.5,1,2,3,4 with wind direction of 0˚. When the flow is normal to the wider face of the model, the across-wind force and torsional force spectra have sharp peaks around the reduced frequency of 0.1. Coherence between acrosswind, and torsional direction are appeared around the reduced frequency of 0.1