Aircraft Take-off and Landing Performance Calculation Method Based on Flight Simulation

In order to comply with the existing standard requirements or specifications, a new computational method for aircraft take-off and landing performance, which deals with the characteristics of the high precision of parameters in the process of take-off and landing based on flight simulation technique. The simulation model for a twin-engine normal layout aircraft is constructed in detail, including nonlinear motion equation, aerodynamic, engine, landing gear and dynamical mass model. According to performance calculation standard and pilot control specification for different take-off modes and landing stages, the simulation process for one engine inoperative(OEI) take-off, angle of attack(AoA) hold take-off, standard take-off, reject take-off and landing are designed, and corresponding performance computer software is developed to achieve the goal of accuracy as well as full parameters calculation. Compared with the existing methods, the computational complexity of this method is increased, the process is detailed, the parameters are increased, and more influencing factors can be analyzed quantitatively. Results show that OEI take-off distance is the longest, standard take-off is suitable for light aircraft, angle of attack hold take-off is appropriate in plateau or limited thrust. Landing distance is related to glide angle. Therefore, light aircraft landing can reduce the approach speed and increase the glide angle.