A Robotic Cloud Ecosystem for Elderly Care and Ageing Well: The GrowMeUp Approach

Robotic systems in Ageing Well, like GrowMeUp, are among those assistive technologies, providing companionship and offering functionality related to the support of active and independent living, monitoring and maintaining safety, and enhancement of health and psychological well-being of the elderly. The work presented in this paper is based on the context of GrowMeUp project and focuses on presenting the main novelties introduced with the GrowMeUp system, providing a robotic cloud ecosystem, able to support, encourage and engage the older persons to stay socially involved and longer active and independent, in carrying out their daily life at home. Emphasis is given on the important issues of end user’s acceptance, usability and affordability and how technologies like cloud computing and different learning and intelligent dialoguing mechanisms are brought together in one solution to address these issues.