The relative clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of three contrasting approaches to partner notification for curable sexually transmitted infections: a cluster randomised trial in primary care.
K. Walters | A. Copas | G. Rait | J. Cassell | H. Mistry | T. Roberts | J. Dodds | P. White | C. Llewellyn | C. Lowndes | C. Estcourt | S. Lanza | Helen E. Smith | M. Symonds | John Richens | H. Smith | M. Rossello-Roig | Hilary Smith | Jackie A Cassell | Tracy Roberts | A. Copas | J. Dodds | S. Lanza | G. Rait | Carrie Llewellyn | John Richens | Kate Walters | Catherine Lowndes | H. Smith