An Experimental Test of a Theory of Coalition Formation

conception of life and the dominant value of work, these men may be more inclined to worship at the shrines of "science" and "leisure." A rejection of this trend and a hearkening back to the good old days may soon be dimmed by the overwhelming voices clamoring for advice and "fun." The conception of hard work as one of the major virtues in life may be lost in an era when the rational use of new technology (with the guidance of experts) requires less time in labor and leaves more time for play. The fable of the ant and the grasshopper may have a new ending. In the original story the ant who labored long hours during the beautiful summer months while the grasshopper played was well provided for in the winter; but the grasshopper faced cold and starvation in punishment for his frivolous behavior. The moral was a clear and simple one for children. It taught them the necessity and the virtue of continual labor in preparation for the lean future. The story of the future may be a different one. If the grasshopper can play during the summer while the ant labors and if the grasshopper can accumulate the same or more adequate provisions during a few choicely spent hours just before winter, what then becomes the moral for children?