Foldamers: A Manifesto

Nature relies on large molecules to carry out sophisticated chemical operations, such as catalysis, tight and specific binding, directed flow of electrons, or controlled crystallization of inorganic phases. The polymers entrusted with these crucial tasks, mostly proteins but sometimes RNA, are unique relative to other biological and synthetic polymers in that they adopt specific compact conformations that are thermodynamically and kinetically stable. These folding patterns generate “active sites” via precise three-dimensional arrangement of functional groups. In terms of covalent connectivity, the groups that comprise the active site are often widely spaced along the polymer backbone. The remarkable range of chemical capabilities that evolution has elicited from proteins suggests that it might be possible to design analogous capabilities into unnatural polymers that fold into compact and specific conformations. Since biological evolution has operated under many constraints, the functional properties of proteins and RNA should be viewed as merely exemplifying the potential of compactly folded polymers. The chemist’s domain includes all possible combinations of the elements, and the biological realm, vast and complex though it may be, is only a small part of that domain. Therefore, realization of the potential of folding polymers may be limited more by the human imagination than by physical barriers. I use the term “foldamer” to describe any polymer with a strong tendency to adopt a specific compact conformation. Among proteins, the term “compact” is associated with tertiary structure, and there is as yet no synthetic polymer that displays a specific tertiary structure. Protein tertiary structure arises from the assembly of elements of regular secondary structure (helices, sheets, and turns). The first step in foldamer design must therefore be to identify new backbones with well-defined secondary structural preferences. “Well-defined” in this case means that the conformational preference should be displayed in solution by oligomers of modest length, and I will designate as a foldamer any oligomer that meets this criterion. Within the past decade, a handful of research groups have described unnatural oligomers with interesting conformational propensities. The motivations behind such efforts are varied, but these studies suggest a collective, emerging realization that control over oligomer and polymer folding could lead to new types of molecules with useful properties. The purpose of this “manifesto” is to introduce a large audience to the broad research horizons offered by the concept of synthetic foldamers. The path to creating useful foldamers involves several daunting steps. (i) One must identify new polymeric backbones with suitable folding propensities. This goal includes developing a predictively useful understanding of the relationship between the repetitive features of monomer structure and conformational properties at the polymer level. (ii) One must endow the resulting foldamers with interesting chemical functions, by design, by randomization and screening (“evolution”), or by some combination of these two approaches. (iii) For technological utility, one must be able to produce a foldamer efficiently, which will generally include preparation of the constituent monomers in stereochemically pure form and optimization of heteropolymer synthesis. Each of these steps involves fascinating chemical challenges; the first step is the focus of this Account.