In the field of mechanical engineering, computer aided tools are part of everyday life. Increased qu ality standards, new production methods and pace of produ ct development drives the education at the universitie s. This paper focuses on CAD and CAE teaching at Aalto University School of Engineering. The learning environment in the Department of Engineering Design and Production contains classroom s, software and web-services. Five different CAD/CAE-r elated courses from both bachelor’s and master’s degree pr ogramme are presented. Common teaching methods include week ly practical exercises, supporting lectures and open-t opic final works. During the exercises, students will learn sk ills to create geometric representation and to analyze them, and i n the lectures, methods to create and analyze are present d. Main learning will happen while applying learned skills to problem solving in projects. This kind of arrangement has go t positive feedback from the students and work to develop the courses in this path will continue.
Panu Kiviluoma,et al.
Mechatronics Education at Aalto University
Ivan Robert Chester,et al.
Teaching for CAD expertise
Ramsey F. Hamade,et al.
Evaluating the learning process of mechanical CAD students
Comput. Educ..
W. Mefteh,et al.
Simulation based design
2012 International Conference on Information Technology and e-Services.
C. W. Dankwort,et al.
Engineers'CAx education - it's not only CAD
Comput. Aided Des..
David A. Field,et al.
Education and training for CAD in the auto industry
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Wei Peng,et al.
Today's students, tomorrow's engineers: an industrial perspective on CAD education
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