CYRUS: towards client-defined cloud storage

Public cloud storage has recently surged in popularity. However, cloud storage providers (CSPs) today offer fairly rigid services, which cannot be customized to meet individual users' needs. We propose a distributed, client-defined architecture that integrates multiple autonomous CSPs into one unified cloud and allows individual clients to specify their desired performance levels and share files. We design, implement, and deploy CYRUS (Client-defined privacY-protected Reliable cloUd Service), a practical system that realizes this architecture. CYRUS ensures user privacy and reliability by scattering files into smaller pieces across multiple CSPs, so that no one CSP can read users' data. We develop an algorithm that sets reliability and privacy parameters according to user needs and selects CSPs from which to download user data so as to minimize latency. To accommodate multiple autonomous clients, we allow clients to upload simultaneous file updates and detect conflicts after the fact from the client. We finally evaluate the performance of a CYRUS prototype that connects to four popular commercial CSPs in both lab testbeds and user trials, and discuss CYRUS's implications for the cloud storage market.

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