전극 간극, 길이 및 재질에 따른 가변 ER댐퍼의 댐핑력 특성

This paper presents the effects of electrode gap. length and material on damping forces of variable ER(electro-rheological) dampers which are applicable to small-sized passenger vehicles. In order to undertake this work an arabic gum-based ER fluid is composed imhousingly and its field-dependent Bingham model is empirically distilled. The governing equation of motion of the ER damper is formulated by incorporating the Bingham model of the ER fluid. and various ER dampers are manufactured. The electrode gaps are chosen as O.75mm. 1.00mm and 1.25mm. respectively. while the electrode lengths are designed by 150mm. 170mm and 190mm. respectively. The electrode materials are adopted as stainless steel(sus304). carbon steel(sm45c) and brass steel(BsC3). respectively. The field-dependent damping forces with respect to their design parameters: electrode gap. length and material are presented in time domain. and a comparative work between experiment and simulation is made. In addition. the damping gorces versus piston velocity are provided by considering the design parameters.