Context-aware QoS prediction for web service recommendation and selection

Abstract QoS prediction is one of the key problems in Web service recommendation and selection. The context information is a dominant factor affecting QoS, but is ignored by most of existing works. In this paper, we employ the context information, from both the user side and service side, to achieve superior QoS prediction accuracy. We propose two novel prediction models, which are capable of using the context information of users and services respectively. In the user side, we use the geographical information as the user context, and identify similar neighbors for each user based on the similarity of their context. We study the mapping relationship between the similarity value and the geographical distance. In the service side, we use the affiliation information as the service context, including the company affiliation and country affiliation. In the two models, the prediction value is learned by the QoS records of a user (or a service) and the neighbors. Also, we propose an ensemble model to combine the results of the two models. We conduct comprehensive experiments in two real-world datasets, and the experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our models.

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