Luminescence Decay As A Probe Of Exciton Motion In One-Dimensional Crystals

The luminescence decay curves from crystals of two linear chain salts, (CH )4 NMnC13 (TMMC) and CsMnBr3(CMB), doped with exciton scattering as well as exciton trapping impurities Wre been investigated. In TMMC relatively small concentrations (1-5%) of Cd , a scattering impurity, dramatically reduce exciton trapping consistent, with expectations for highly one-dimensional systems. The effect of scattering impurities is much less dramatic in CMB where the exciton migration is clearly less one-dimensional. The lumines-cence decay curves from mixed crystals containing CsMnBr3 and CsMgBr3 or CsCdBr3 indicate that above 100K excitons percolate freely through the lattice at mole fractions of Mn2+as low as 0.1.