We show that the application of the resolution principle to a set of clauses can be regarded as the construction of a term rewriting system confluent on valid formulas. This result allows the extension of usual properties and methods of equational theories (such as Birkhoff's theorem and the Knuth and Bendix completion algorithm) to quantifier-free first order theories. These results are extended to first order predicate calculus in an equational theory, as studied by Plotkin (1972), Slagle (1974) and Lankford (1975). This paper is a continuation of the work of Hsiang & Dershowitz (1983), who have already shown that rewrite methods can be used in first order predicate calculus. The main difference is the following: Hsiang uses rewrite methods only as a refutational proof technique, the initial set of formulas being unsatisfiable iff the equation TRUE = FALSE is generated by the completion algorithm. We generalise these methods to satisfiable theories; in particular, we show that the concept of confluent rewriting system, which is the main tool for studying equational theories, can be extended to any quantifier-free first order theory. Furthermore, we show that rewrite methods can be used even if formulas are kept in clausal form.
D. Knuth,et al.
Simple Word Problems in Universal Algebras
Alfred Tarski.
A Remark on Functionally Free Algebras
Jean-Pierre Jouannaud,et al.
Confluent and Coherent Equational Term Rewriting Systems: Application to Proofs in Abstract Data Types
G. Huet,et al.
Equations and rewrite rules: a survey
J. A. Robinson,et al.
A Machine-Oriented Logic Based on the Resolution Principle
Gérard P. Huet,et al.
A Complete Proof of Correctness of the Knuth-Bendix Completion Algorithm
J. Comput. Syst. Sci..
Nachum Dershowitz,et al.
Rewrite Methods for Clausal and Non-Clausal Theorem Proving
James R. Slagle,et al.
Automated Theorem-Proving for Theories with Simplifiers Commutativity, and Associativity
G. Birkhoff,et al.
On the Structure of Abstract Algebras
Mark E. Stickel,et al.
Complete Sets of Reductions for Some Equational Theories