Reflex relaxation of the stomach elicited from receptors located in the heart. An analysis of the receptors and afferents involved.

In cats anesthetized with chloralose electrical afferent stimulation of the right cardiac nerve promptly elicited marked hypotension, bradycardia and relaxation of the stomach. Stimulation threshold and conduction velocity measurements indicated that the stimulated afferents were unmyelinated fibres. The circulatory and gastric responses were abolished by cervical vagal blockade on the stimulation side. Administration of nicotine intrapericardially or veratrum alkaloids i.v. produced similar circulatory and gastric responses as the electrical nerve stimulation. The effects of veratrum were markedly reduced upon application of a local anesthetic in the pericardial cavity. Reflex gastric relaxation was also elicited in response to occlusion of the ascending aorta or mechanical stimulation of the left ventricle. With occlusion of the pulmonary artery only slight gastric responses were obtained during the occlusion. Pronounced gastric responses were recorded upon occlusion of a coronary artery, the effect being abolished by section of the vagi in the neck. – It is concluded that marked reflex relaxation of the stomach can be elicited from heart receptors, probably located in the left ventricle and with unmyelinated afferents in the vagi. It is suggested that the described reflex gastric response may form part of a vomiting pattern.

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