International Multilateral Negotiation: Approaches to the Management of Complexity

In a single volume, a team of distinguished international scholars draws on a wide range of social science theory to explain the dynamics of bargaining and diplomacy when many parties and many issues are involved. Each contributor explores a different approach to reaching successful agreements among diverse governments, multinational corporations, and other international actors. To show how these approaches work in actual practice, the authors provide detailed analyses of two multilateral negotiations -- the Uruguay round of negotiations under the General Agreement for Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the negotiations leading to the Single European Act consolidating the European Community. The book provides the tools for analyzing and managing the complexities of multilateral negotiations including: How the roots of conflict, the distribution of power, and specific patterns of resistance and cooperation affect all stages of negotiation. How game theory, multi-attribute utility models, and other practical tools can be used to chart interests and identify strategic trade-offs before negotiations. How negotiation is organization in action, applying the rules and culture of organizations to change through a cybernetic process. How insights in to the way small groups function can help advance negotiations. Why different modes of leadership are needed to diagnose multinational problems, clarify options, and develop feasible solutions. How and why coalitions are formed -- and how they can promt meaningful bargaining and help forge positive, lasting agreements.