Chapter 3 – Multibeam joint precoding: frame-based design

The present chapter focuses on the forward link of broadband multibeam satellite systems, where the goal is to increase the spectral efficiency by the means of aggressive frequency reuse configurations. In this direction, the imperfect multibeam satellite antenna cannot maintain the interference in acceptable levels when co-channel beams are in close proximity. Nevertheless, the multiple feeds offer the necessary spatial degrees of freedom to perform joint signal processing, namely precoding, at the transmitter. This chapter discusses one of the challenges of the application of precoding over satellite, namely the optimization of a multi-antenna satellite transmitter under the constraint of framing multiple users in single transmission. The significance of this problem is related to the inherent satellite channel characteristics that prevent the alleviation of specific framing structures for the sake of signal processing. Therefore, the application of precoding techniques with minimal impact on the structure of existing satellite standards is of utmost importance. Herein, the so-called frame-based precoding problem is defined, modeled, and solved using a selection of promising in terms of performance and complexity methods.