NOAA-20 VIIRS thermal emissive band calibration error comparison with heritage VIIRS sensors

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 20 (NOAA-20) operational satellite, also known as the Joint Polar Satellite System 1 (JPSS-1), is the follow-on to the Suomi-National Polar-orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) with launch dates of November 2017 and October 2011, respectively. S-NPP and NOAA-20 provide critical weather and global climate products to the user community. The Visible-Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), a primary sensor on both SNPP and NOAA-20, has 22 bands covering a spectral range of 0.412-12.0μm with spatial resolutions of 750m and 375m for moderate and imaging bands, respectively. VIIRS provides calibrated Earth observations within the Sensor Data Records (SDRs) using on-orbit calibration sources such as the Solar Diffuser (SD) for the Reflective Solar Bands (RSBs) and an On-Board Calibrator BlackBody (OBCBB) for the Thermal Emissive Bands (TEBs), combined with pre-launch characterization information. Both the on-orbit calibration sources and pre-launch measurements contain calibration errors that propagate into the SDR radiance retrievals and degrade the performance of the Environmental Data Records (EDRs). This paper will focus on the TEB SDR calibration products and investigate the sources of the on-orbit calibration errors observed. This includes looking at gain drifts during the OBCBB warm-up and cool-down, along-scan temperature biases, and thermal model errors used in the estimation of the sensor’s background thermal emission. The pre-launch errors from the Response Versus Scan angle (RVS), calibration coefficients, and Ground Source Equipment (GSE) will also be included in the discussion. Finally, this paper will compare the differences in calibration errors between the S-NPP and NOAA-20 sensors and how they impact the SDR products in unique ways.