Specification and verification of multimedia synchronization scenarios using Time-Estelle

Multimedia synchronization scenario modelling can be classified into four categories: axes-based model; synchronization point control; event-based model; and interval-based model.1 Existing formal languages do not support the specifications and verifications of all these four categories of synchronization scenarios. Estelle,2 an internationally standardised Formal Description Technique (FDT), unfortunately does not have enough expressive power to specify the time-dependent behaviours of a multimedia system. To address this limitation, we have developed an extended Estelle, called Time-Estelle3 to express multimedia QoS parameters, to identify various types of media objects, to describe temporal and spatial relationships, and to specify a range of synchronization scenarios. This paper discusses how Time-Estelle can be used for specifying the four categories of synchronization scenarios, and describes how these scenarios can be verified for correctness, thus enabling any potential temporal inconsistencies to be identified. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.