Abstract : Many turbulence models have been developed in order to analyze the flow characteristics in an engine cylinder. Watkins introduced k-e turbulence model for in-cylinder flow, and Reynolds modified turbulence dissipation rate by applying rapid transformation theory, Wu suggested k-e-τ turbulence model in which length scale and time scale are separated to introduce turbulence time scale, and Orszag proposed k-e RNG model. This study applied the models to in-cylinder flow induced by intake valve and piston moving. All models showed similar flow fields during early stage of intake stroke. At the end of compression stroke, κ-e Watkins, κ-e Reynolds and κ-e RNG predicted well second and third vortex, especially κ-e RNG produced new forth vortex near central axis at the lower part of cylinder which was not predicted by the other models. Key words :Turbulence model(난류모델), Engine intake and compression(엔진 흡입․압축), Flow analysis(유동해석) †교신저자(한국해양대학교 기계정보공학부, E-mail:khpark@hhu.ac.kr, Tel: 051)410-4367)* 신라공업고등학교 교사
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