Shade Structure Design and Evaluation
Abstract: Shade structures are often considered as a method of reducing heat stress in feedlot cattle during extreme summer conditions. Design and material selection present challenges to meet a range of criteria that include: cost, effectiveness, durability, low maintenance, and minimal interference with normal feedlot management. The design described in this paper integrates animal/shade response data collected over the last decade. Eight 10 m tall by 15.4 m long structures were installed at the USMARC feedlot. The north/south structures were fitted with four 15.4 m lengths of poly snow-fence. These structures provide an effective 50% shade coverage that tracks the sun during the day and offers up to 3 m 2 of shade per head. Design considerations, construction materials and methods are presented as well as preliminary observations based on time-lapse photography of animal movements. * The mention of trade names of commercial products in this article is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the USDA. The USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.