Elevated Labile Plasma Iron Levels (LPI) and Increased Oxidative Stress Are Associated with Red Blood Cell Transfusions in Patients with Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) Subtitle: from the European Leukemianet MDS Registry
Alexandra G. Smith | D. Swinkels | H. Garelius | E. Hellström-Lindberg | A. Symeonidis | D. Bowen | J. Čermák | S. Langemeijer | T. Witte | P. Panagiotidis | D. Culligan | M. Kraaij | M. Hoeks | M. Krejci | T. Bagguley | A. Tatic | L. Swart | J. Droste | C. V. Marrewijk