Objective: To enlist the causes of stridor in afebrile children under twelve years of age. Design: Descriptive study. Patients and Methods: Fifty children presenting for the first time with symptoms of stridor were selected according to the inclusion criteria by non-probability purposive sampling. Every patient was evaluated by detailed history, thorough physical examination and investigations including radiographic studies, laryngoscopy and bronchoscopy. Data was recorded on the performa attached as Annex ‘A’. Results: Of the 50 patients, there were 29 males and 21 females. The mean age at presentation was 3.8 years. About forty-eight diagnostic observations were made during the initial endoscopic procedure on these 50 children. Acquired lesions (76%) outnumbered the congenital lesions (24%). Of the congenital type, laryngomalacia (42%) was the commonest cause followed by vocal cord paralysis (17%), laryngocele (17%), laryngeal web (8%), tracheomalacia (8%) and tracheal stenosis (8%). The most important acquired lesion was foreign body in the Aerodigestive tract (55.26%), followed by respiratory papilomatosis (21.05%), traumatic (13.16%) and subglottic stenosis (10.13%) Because of chronic and presistent upper airway obstruction, tracheostomy was electively performed in 02 cases in this series. There was no complication associated with complete endoscopic examination Conclusion: Foreign body in the tracheobronchial tree is the most frequent cause of stridor in afebrile children followed by congenital conditions and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis.
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