Promising approaches for promoting lifelong community mobility

Promising Approaches for Enhancing Elderly Mobility, a guide highlighting programs and practices in a number of areas considered to hold promise for enhancing the safety and mobility of older adults, was published in 2003. Development of the guide was based on extensive review of the literature and discussions with experts in aging-related fields, and was intended as a resource for community professionals interested in developing programs to enhance older adult mobility. Since publication of the guide two complementary but interdependent goals have emerged with respect to older adult drivers: to help those who are able to drive safely continue to do so; and to identify and provide community mobility support to those who are no longer able to drive. The purpose of this guide, Promising Approaches for Promoting Lifelong Community Mobility, is to update and expand upon our earlier work, particularly with regard to the transition from driving to non-driving and the need for alternative transportation options for older adults who are no longer able to or choose not to drive.