Handbook of Culture Media for Food and Water Microbiology

Acknowledgements. Introduction. Part 1. Reviews of media Microbiological assessment of culture media: comparison and statistical evaluation of methods Recovery of stressed microorganisms Media for the detection and enumeration of clostridia in foods Media for Bacillus spp. and related genera relevant to foods Culture media and methods for the isolation of Listeria monocytogenes Media used in the detection and enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus Culture media for enterococci and group D-streptococci Culture media for lactic acid bacteria Media for 'niche spoilage organisms': Culture media for non-sporulating Gram positive, catalase positive food spoilage bacteria Media for the detection and enumeration of bifidobacteria in food products Media for detection and enumeration of 'total' Enterobacteriaceae, coliforms and Escherichia coli from water and foods Media for the isolation of Salmonella spp. Isolation of Yersinia enterocolitica from foods Review of media for the isolation of diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli Culture media for the isolation and enumeration of pathogenic Vibrio species in foods and environmental samples Culture media for the isolation of campylobacters, helicobacters and arcobacters Culture media for Aeromonas spp. and Plesiomonas shigelloides Media for Pseudomonas spp. and related genera from food and environmental samples Culture media for genera in the family Flavobacteriaceae Media for detecting and enumerating yeasts and moulds Extracting pathogens from food Media for Enterobacter sakazakii Water media Legionella media Chromogenic substrates for culture media Part 2. Pharmacopoeia of culture media Appendix I. Appendix II. Subject Index.