A Theory of Local Entrepreneurship in the Knowledge Economy

This highly original book represents a departure from entrepreneurship literature that is largely limited to the study of entrepreneurs’ behaviour. Its dynamic presentation of holistic theory will prove an extremely absorbing read for those with an academic or professional interest in business and management, entrepreneurship and regional development.

[1]  H. Lesca,et al.  Gestion de l'information: Qualité de l'information et performances de l'entreprise , 2010 .

[2]  P. Strebel Why do employees resist change? , 2009, IEEE Engineering Management Review.

[3]  J. Kotter Leading change: why transformation efforts fail , 2009, IEEE Engineering Management Review.

[4]  J. Kotter,et al.  Personal Histories : Leaders Remember the Moments and People That Shaped Them Primal Leadership : The Hidden Driver r 0111 c of Great Performance , 2001 .

[5]  K. Weick Educational organizations as loosely coupled systems , 1976, Gestión y Estrategia.

[6]  D. Foray L'économie de la connaissance , 2009 .

[7]  H. Stanley,et al.  On the Size Distribution of Business Firms , 2008 .

[8]  T. Isobe,et al.  Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2006 , 2007 .

[9]  G. Krogh,et al.  An essay on corporate epistemology , 2007 .

[10]  Kressel,et al.  Competing for the Future , 2007 .

[11]  André Cyr,et al.  Information transformation: Some missing links , 2007 .

[12]  P. Julien,et al.  Marketing in medium-sized manufacturing firms: The state-of-the-art in France and in Quebec , 2006 .

[13]  Geoffrey Jones,et al.  Entrepreneurship and Business History: Renewing the Research Agenda , 2006 .

[14]  Colin Rowat,et al.  Markets from Networks: Socioeconomic Models of Production , 2006 .

[15]  J. Dillard,et al.  Entrepreneurship as the nexus of individual and opportunity: A structuration view , 2006 .

[16]  Malin Tillmar,et al.  Swedish tribalism and Tanzanian entrepreneurship: preconditions for trust formation , 2006 .

[17]  Thomas Durand,et al.  L'alchimie de la compétence , 2006 .

[18]  Jean-Claude Tarondeau,et al.  De la stratégie aux processus stratégiques , 2006 .

[19]  R. Baron Opportunity Recognition as Pattern Recognition: How Entrepreneurs “Connect the Dots” to Identify New Business Opportunities , 2006 .

[20]  P. Cruickshank,et al.  Entrepreneurial Success through Networks and Social Capital: Exploratory Considerations from GEM Research in New Zealand , 2006 .

[21]  W. Vanhaverbeke,et al.  The territoriality of the network economy and urban networks: evidence from flanders , 2006 .

[22]  P. Julien Réseautage et innovation : le cas des PME manufacturières d'une région en reconversion , 2006 .

[23]  David B. Audretsch,et al.  Entrepreneurship - A Survey of the Literature - , 2006 .

[24]  A. Chadwick,et al.  The geography of talent: entrepreneurship and local economic development in Oxfordshire , 2005 .

[25]  Z. Ács,et al.  The knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship , 2005 .

[26]  Sofy Carayannopoulos Research in Motion: A Small Firm Commercializing a New Technology , 2005 .

[27]  L. Kolvereid,et al.  Aspiring, nascent and fledgling entrepreneurs: an investigation of the business start-up process , 2005 .

[28]  Johan Lambrecht,et al.  An evaluation of public support measures for private external consultancies to SMEs in the Walloon Region of Belgium , 2005 .

[29]  W. DeSarbo,et al.  Revisiting the Miles and Snow Strategic Framework: Uncovering Interrelationships between Strategic Types, Capabilities, Environmental Uncertainty, and Firm Performance , 2005 .

[30]  I. P. Vaghely Une exploration du processus de traitement de l'information par l'individu dans les organisations , 2005 .

[31]  E. Walker,et al.  What Success Factors are Important to Small Business Owners? , 2004 .

[32]  Peter Witt Entrepreneurs’ networks and the success of start-ups , 2004 .

[33]  Josée St-Pierre La gestion du risque: Comment améliorer le financement des PME et faciliter leur développement , 2004 .

[34]  Pierre-André Julien,et al.  Networks, weak signals and technological innovations among SMEs in the land-based transportation equipment sector , 2004 .

[35]  L. Frederking A cross-national study of culture, organization and entrepreneurship in three neighbourhoods , 2004 .

[36]  H. Johnstone,et al.  Depleted communities and community business entrepreneurship: revaluing space through place , 2004 .

[37]  D. De Clercq,et al.  Human capital, social capital, and innovation: a multi-country study , 2004 .

[38]  J. Baldwin,et al.  Innovation Strategies and Performance in Small Firms , 2004 .

[39]  P. Veltz Des lieux et des liens, le territoire français à l'heure de la mondialisation , 2004 .

[40]  H. Schmitz Local Enterprises in the Global Economy , 2004 .

[41]  N. L. Pape,et al.  An explanation of the life span of new firms : an empirical analysis from French data , 2004 .

[42]  Marcia Angell,et al.  The Truth About the Drug Companies , 2004 .

[43]  F. Tödtling,et al.  Regional differences in structural characteristics of start-ups , 2003 .

[44]  F. Corolleur,et al.  The Marshallian Industrial District, an organizational and institutional answer to uncertainty , 2003 .

[45]  R. LeBrasseur,et al.  The Benefits of Business Planning in Early Stage Small Enterprises , 2003 .

[46]  Carin Holmquist Is the Medium Really the Message? Moving Perspective from the Entrepreneurial Actor to the Entrepreneurial Action , 2003 .

[47]  Gerald E. Hills,et al.  The language of opportunity , 2003 .

[48]  Scott Shane When are Universities the Locus of Invention , 2003 .

[49]  William S. Schulze,et al.  A social capital model of high growth ventures , 2003 .

[50]  David Masclet L'analyse de l'influence de la pression des pairs dans les équipes de travail , 2003 .

[51]  Marie Lavoie,et al.  A growing trend toward knowledge work in Canada , 2003 .

[52]  D. Foray,et al.  The Production of Knowledge in Different Sectors: a model and some hypotheses , 2003 .

[53]  Ha Hoang,et al.  Network-based research in entrepreneurship A critical review , 2003 .

[54]  A. Johansson,et al.  Public advisory services - theory and practice , 2003 .

[55]  A. Greve,et al.  Social Networks and Entrepreneurship , 2003 .

[56]  Christophe Midler,et al.  Management de projet et innovation , 2003 .

[57]  A. Savoie,et al.  La face cachée de l'organisation : Groupes, cliques et clan , 2003 .

[58]  S. Meštrović The Place of Science in Modern Civilisation , 2003 .

[59]  Norbert Alter Innovation organisationnelle entre croyance et raison , 2003 .

[60]  P. Mustar,et al.  Encyclopédie de l'innovation , 2003 .

[61]  Koenraad Debackere,et al.  Stimulating knowledge-driven entrepreneurship: delineating relevant networks and interactions , 2003 .

[62]  D. Hjorth,et al.  New movements in entrepreneurship , 2003 .

[63]  V. Mangematin PME de biotechnologie: Plusieurs Business models en concurrence , 2003 .

[64]  P. Senge The Leader’s New Work: Building Learning Organizations , 2003 .

[65]  P. Rosa,et al.  Entrepreneurship and Illegality: Insights from the Nigerian cross-border Trade , 2002 .

[66]  Alistair R. Anderson,et al.  The articulation of social capital in entrepreneurial networks: a glue or a lubricant? , 2002 .

[67]  M. Torkkeli,et al.  The contribution of technology selection to core competencies , 2002 .

[68]  M. Ruef,et al.  Strong ties, weak ties and islands: structural and cultural predictors of organizational innovation , 2002 .

[69]  D. Keeble,et al.  Sources of Increasing Returns and Regional Innovation in the UK , 2002 .

[70]  S. Dodd,et al.  National differences in entrepreneurial networking , 2002 .

[71]  S. Zahra,et al.  Absorptive Capacity: A Review, Reconceptualization, and Extension , 2002 .

[72]  Scott Shane,et al.  Network Ties, Reputation, and the Financing of New Ventures , 2002, Manag. Sci..

[73]  Jie Wu,et al.  Small Worlds: The Dynamics of Networks between Order and Randomness , 2003 .

[74]  P. Julien Les PME à forte croissance , 2002 .

[75]  Sandrine Paillard,et al.  La France dans l'économie du savoir : pour une dynamique collective , 2002 .

[76]  Veronique Schutjens,et al.  Embeddedness and Innovation , 2002 .

[77]  Humbert Lesca,et al.  Contribution à la capacité d'anticipation des entreprises par la sensibilisation aux signaux faibles , 2002 .

[78]  P. Adler,et al.  Social Capital: Prospects for a New Concept , 2002 .

[79]  O. Torrès Les| divers types d'entrepreneuriat et de PME dans le monde , 2001 .

[80]  A. Amar Leading for innovation through symbiosis , 2001 .

[81]  Gregory G. Dess,et al.  Voluntary Turnover, Social Capital, and Organizational Performance , 2001 .

[82]  William B. Gartner,et al.  Is There an Elephant in Entrepreneurship? Blind Assumptions in Theory Development , 2001 .


[84]  M. Hitt,et al.  Strategic entrepreneurship: entrepreneurial strategies for wealth creation , 2001 .

[85]  Maria L. Kraimer,et al.  A Social Capital Theory of Career Success , 2001 .

[86]  Louis Raymond,et al.  Technological Scanning by Small Canadian Manufacturers , 2001 .

[87]  P. Julien,et al.  Defining the field of research in entrepreneurship , 2001 .

[88]  Alistair R. Anderson,et al.  Understanding the Enterprise Culture Paradigm , 2001 .

[89]  Brent B. Allred,et al.  Enabling Knowledge Creation: How to unlock the Mystery of Tacit Knowledge and Release the Power of Innovation , 2001 .

[90]  Randel S. Carlock,et al.  Strategic Planning for The Family Business: Parallel Planning to Unify the Family and Business , 2001 .

[91]  E. Chell Entrepreneurship: Globalization, Innovation and Development , 2001 .

[92]  Christian Bruyat Créer ou ne pas créer ?. Une modélisation du processus d'engagement dans un projet de création d'entreprise , 2001 .

[93]  P. Julien,et al.  Dynamic regions and high‐growth SMEs: uncertainty, potential information and weak signal networks , 2001 .

[94]  J. Curran,et al.  Researching the small enterprise , 2001 .

[95]  Xavier Ragot Régulation et croissance. Une macroéconomie historique et institutionnelle, Bernard Billaudot, L'Harmattan, Paris, 2001 , 2001 .

[96]  N. Grosjean Globalisation et autonomie des systèmes de production territoriaux , 2001 .

[97]  Raymond-Alain Thiétart,et al.  Stratégies : actualité et futurs de la recherche , 2001 .

[98]  Marie-Laurence Caron-Fasan,et al.  Une méthode de gestion de l'attention aux signaux faibles , 2001 .


[100]  B. Nooteboom Learning and Innovation in Organizations and Economies , 2000 .

[101]  William J. Bratton,et al.  The Influence of Location on the Use by SMEs of External Advice and Collaboration , 2000 .

[102]  J. Murmann Knowledge and Competitive Advantage in the Synthetic Dye Industry, 1850–1914: The Coevolution of Firms, Technology, and National Institutions in Great Britain, Germany, and the United States , 2000, Enterprise & Society.

[103]  Robert J. Bennett,et al.  SME Growth: The Relationship with Business Advice and External Collaboration , 2000 .

[104]  B. Paranque,et al.  Marchés, organisations de la production et rentabilité des entreprises industrielles françaises (The markets, organisations and profitability of french manufacturing firms) , 2000 .

[105]  Kathleen M. Eisenhardt,et al.  DYNAMIC CAPABILITIES, WHAT ARE THEY? , 2000 .

[106]  Michael D. Reilly,et al.  Competing models of entrepreneurial intentions , 2000 .

[107]  G. Ahuja Collaboration Networks, Structural Holes, and Innovation: A Longitudinal Study , 1998 .

[108]  Elizabeth Chell,et al.  Networking, entrepreneurship and microbusiness behaviour , 2000 .

[109]  M. Freel,et al.  External linkages and product innovation in small manufacturing firms , 2000 .

[110]  J. O. Ogbor Mythicizing and Reification in Entrepreneurial Discourse: Ideology‐Critique of Entrepreneurial Studies , 2000 .

[111]  S. Breschi,et al.  Does 'Clustering' really help firms'innovative activities? , 2000 .

[112]  Peter Hedström,et al.  Mesolevel Networks and the Diffusion of Social Movements: The Case of the Swedish Social Democratic Party1 , 2000, American Journal of Sociology.

[113]  Bruce R. Barringer,et al.  Walking a Tightrope: Creating Value Through Interorganizational Relationships , 2000 .

[114]  David J. North,et al.  The Innovativeness and Growth of Rural SMEs During the 1990s , 2000 .

[115]  Michael H. Zack,et al.  Jazz Improvisation and Organizing: Once More from the Top , 2000 .

[116]  Jesper B. Sørensen,et al.  Aging, Obsolescence, and Organizational Innovation , 2000 .

[117]  Gideon D. Markman,et al.  Beyond social capital: How social skills can enhance entrepreneurs' success , 2000 .

[118]  F. Dwyer,et al.  An Examination of Organizational Factors Influencing New Product Success in Internal and Alliance-Based Processes , 2000 .

[119]  Per Davidsson,et al.  Where do they come from? Prevalence and characteristics of nascent entrepreneurs , 2000 .

[120]  Timothy S. Reed,et al.  Entrepreneurship in the New Competitive Landscape , 2000 .

[121]  Jean-Claude Grimal Drogue : l'autre mondialisation , 2000 .

[122]  S. Shane,et al.  The Promise of Entrepreneurship as a Field of Research , 2000 .

[123]  A. Torre,et al.  Is geographical proximity necessary in the innovation networks in the era of global economy? , 1999 .

[124]  Philip Cooke,et al.  Small Firms, Social Capital and the Enhancement of Business Performance Through Innovation Programmes , 1999 .

[125]  L. Raymond,et al.  Types of technological scanning in manufacturing SMEs: an empirical analysis of patterns and determinants , 1999 .

[126]  Yaw A. Owusu,et al.  Importance of employee involvement in world‐class agile management systems , 1999 .

[127]  Roy Thurik,et al.  Linking Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth , 1999 .

[128]  Edward Lorenz,et al.  Collective Learning, Tacit Knowledge and Regional Innovative Capacity , 1999 .

[129]  Frank Wilkinson,et al.  Collective Learning and Knowledge Development in the Evolution of Regional Clusters of High Technology SMEs in Europe , 1999 .

[130]  M. Rouse,et al.  Rethinking research methods for the resource‐based perspective: isolating sources of sustainable competitive advantage , 1999 .

[131]  P. Westhead,et al.  Perceived benefits of a managed science park location , 1999 .

[132]  Robert J. Bennett,et al.  The use of external business advice by SMEs in Britain , 1999 .

[133]  N. Foss Networks, capabilities, and competitive advantage , 1999 .

[134]  T. Habbershon,et al.  A Resource-Based Framework for Assessing the Strategic Advantages of Family Firms , 1999 .

[135]  G. Fields,et al.  Social Capital and Capital Gains in Silicon Valley , 1999 .

[136]  Patrick Cohendet,et al.  La conception de la firme comme processeur de connaissances , 1999 .

[137]  A. Joyal De la créativité à l'intrapreneuriat , 1999 .

[138]  Jon Sundbo,et al.  The Theory of Innovation: Entrepreneurs, Technology and Strategy , 1999 .

[139]  M. Pinçon,et al.  Nouveaux patrons, nouvelles dynasties , 1999 .

[140]  A. Bagnasco Teoria del capitale sociale e "political economy" comparata , 1999 .

[141]  Jean-Claude Tarondeau La flexibilité dans les entreprises , 1999 .

[142]  Ruphin Ndjambou,et al.  La ville ou la proximité organisée , 1999 .

[143]  A. Kangasharju Regional variations in firm formation: Panel and cross-section data evidence from Finland , 2000 .

[144]  James M. Matarazzo,et al.  The knowing organization: How organizations use information to construct meaning, create knowledge, and make decisions: by Chan Wei Choo. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. 298p. $60.00 (hardcover). ISBN 0-19-511011-0. $25.95 (softcover). ISBN 0-19-511012-9 , 1998 .

[145]  Jeffrey H. Dyer,et al.  The Relational View: Cooperative Strategy and Sources of Interorganizational Competitive Advantage , 1998 .

[146]  Elizabeth Garnsey,et al.  The Genesis of the High Technology Milieu: A Study in Complexity , 1998 .

[147]  Robert Chia,et al.  From Complexity Science to Complex Thinking: Organization as Simple Location , 1998 .

[148]  S. Ghoshal,et al.  Social Capital and Value Creation: The Role of Intrafirm Networks , 1998 .

[149]  S. Goyal,et al.  Learning from neighbours , 1998 .

[150]  A. Basu An Exploration of Entrepreneurial Activity among Asian Small Businesses in Britain , 1998 .

[151]  K. Eisenhardt,et al.  Competing on the Edge: Strategy as Structured Chaos , 1998 .

[152]  D. Leonard,et al.  The Role of Tacit Knowledge in Group Innovation , 1998 .

[153]  Anders Malmberg,et al.  Competitiveness, Localised Learning and Regional Development: Specialization and Prosperity in Small Open Economies , 1998 .

[154]  F. Barrett Creativity and Improvisation in Jazz and Organizations: Implications for Organizational Learning , 1998 .

[155]  Jean-Claude Tarondeau,et al.  Le management des savoirs , 1998 .


[157]  John Bessant,et al.  Small firms, R&D, technology and innovation in the UK: a literature review , 1998 .

[158]  Bernard Galambaud Management de la flexibilité par Christophe EVERAERE, Paris : Économica, 1997, 203 p., ISBN 2-7178-3184-3. , 1998 .

[159]  R. Barro Myopia and Inconsistency in the Neoclassical Growth Model , 1997 .

[160]  Stephen F. Knack,et al.  Does Social Capital Have an Economic Payoff? A Cross-Country Investigation , 1997 .

[161]  Georg von Krogh,et al.  Develop knowledge activists , 1997 .

[162]  P. Greene A Resource-Based Approach to Ethnic Business Sponsorship: A Consideration of Ismaili-Pakistani Immigrants , 1997 .


[164]  George A. Akerlof Social Distance and Social Decisions , 1997 .


[166]  K. Provan,et al.  An Emergent Theory of Structure and Outcomes in Small-Firm Strategic Manufacturing Networks , 1997 .

[167]  Raymond T. Sparrowe,et al.  Process and Structure in Leader-Member Exchange , 1997 .

[168]  Pierre-André Julien,et al.  A Typology of Strategic Behaviour among Small and Medium-Sized Exporting Businesses. A Case Study , 1997 .

[169]  J. P. Pappas The university's role in economic development: from research to outreach , 1997 .

[170]  Hubert L. Dreyfus,et al.  Disclosing New Worlds: Entrepreneurship, Democratic Action, and the Cultivation of Solidarity , 1997 .

[171]  R. Calantone,et al.  Small Firm Information Seeking as a Response to Environmental Threats and Opportunities , 1997 .

[172]  Anthony M. J. Stanger,et al.  The Small Enterprise Financial Objective Function: An Exploratory Study , 1996 .

[173]  M. Feldman,et al.  R&D spillovers and the ge-ography of innovation and production , 1996 .

[174]  P. Baumard Competition Advantage from Tacit Knowledge: Bringing Some Empirical Evidence , 1996 .

[175]  Jean Gadrey,et al.  Services : la productivité en question , 1996 .

[176]  C. Oswick,et al.  Metaphor and organizations , 1996 .

[177]  L. Karpik Dispositifs de confiance et engagements crédibles , 1996 .

[178]  B. Lundvall,et al.  The knowledge-based economy: from the economics of knowledge to the learning economy , 1996 .

[179]  Pierre-André Julien,et al.  New technologies and technological information in small businesses , 1995 .

[180]  F. Lee,et al.  Convergence across Canadian Provinces, 1961 to 1991 , 1995 .

[181]  L. Palich,et al.  Using Cognitive Theory to Explain Entrepreneurial Risk-Taking: Challenging Conventional Wisdom , 1995 .

[182]  Wilbur R. Maki,et al.  Explaining regional variation in business births and deaths: U.S. 1976–88 , 1995 .

[183]  Peter Maskell,et al.  Localized Learning and Industrial Competitiveness , 1995 .

[184]  R. Florida Toward the Learning Region , 1995 .

[185]  D. Deakins,et al.  Networking by External Support Agencies and Financial Institutions. , 1995 .

[186]  T. Watson Entrepreneurship and Professional Management: A Fatal Distinction , 1995 .

[187]  R. Putnam Bowling Alone: America's Declining Social Capital , 1995, The City Reader.

[188]  J. Guinet LE FINANCEMENT DE L'INNOVATION , 1995 .

[189]  B. Johannisson Entrepreneurial networking in the Scandinavian context - theoretical and empirical positioning , 1995 .

[190]  Bart Nooteboom,et al.  Innovation and diffusion in small firms: Theory and evidence , 1994 .

[191]  Maryann P. Feldman,et al.  Knowledge complementarity and innovation , 1994 .

[192]  David J. Storey,et al.  Cross-national Comparisons of the Variation in New Firm Formation Rates , 1994 .

[193]  D. Audretsch,et al.  The Geography of Firm Births in Germany , 1994 .

[194]  P. Julien,et al.  SMEs and International Competition: Free Trade Agreement or Globalization? , 1994 .

[195]  D. Storey Understanding the small business sector , 1994 .

[196]  A. Chandler,et al.  Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128 , 1994 .

[197]  I. Nonaka A Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation , 1994 .

[198]  C. Quinet Herbert Simon et la rationalité , 1994 .

[199]  Bengt Johannisson,et al.  Beyond anarchy and organization: entrepreneurs in contextual networks , 1994 .

[200]  D. Lu The entrepreneurs who do both: Production and rent-seeking , 1994 .

[201]  Faïz Gallouj Economie de l'innovation dans les services , 1994 .

[202]  Danièle Capt Demande de biens différenciés, comportements spatiaux et diversification de l'activité des exploitations agricoles , 1994 .

[203]  R. M. Hall,et al.  A framework linking intangible resources and capabilities to sustainable competitive advantage , 1993 .

[204]  J. Toulouse,et al.  Adopting new technologies: an entrepreneurial act , 1993 .


[206]  John W. Meyer,et al.  Institutional conditions for diffusion , 1993 .

[207]  Werner Sengenberger,et al.  Industrial districts and local economic regeneration , 1993 .

[208]  P. Julien,et al.  Small businesses as a research subject: Some reflections on knowledge of small businesses and its effects on economic theory , 1993 .

[209]  G. Willard,et al.  Towards a theory of entrepreneurship , 1993 .

[210]  E. Malecki Entrepreneurship in Regional and Local Development , 1993 .

[211]  Ricky W. Griffin,et al.  Toward a Theory of Organizational Creativity , 1993 .

[212]  Ian C. MacMillan,et al.  Characteristics distinguishing high-growth ventures , 1993 .

[213]  Robert Porter Lynch Business Alliances Guide: The Hidden Competitive Weapon , 1993 .

[214]  Andrea L. Larson,et al.  A Network Model of Organization Formation , 1993 .

[215]  J. Dubois Le roman policier, ou, La modernité , 1993 .


[217]  D. Krackhardt The strength of strong ties: The importance of Philos in organizations , 2003 .

[218]  C. Daily,et al.  An Empirical Examination of Ownership Structure in Family and Professionally Managed Firms , 1992 .

[219]  D. Storey,et al.  Where are they now? Some changes in firms located on UK Science Parks in 1986 , 1992 .

[220]  Charles W. Hofer,et al.  Theorizing about Entrepreneurship , 1992 .

[221]  Alex Stewart A Prospectus on the Anthropology of Entrepreneurship , 1992 .

[222]  Jean-Jacques Salomon Le destin technologique , 1992 .

[223]  Denis Maillat,et al.  New technologies and transformation of regional structures in Europe: The role of the milieu , 1992 .

[224]  J. Foster,et al.  Turning Austrian Economics into an Evolutionary Theory , 1992 .

[225]  R. Sainsaulieu L'entreprise, une affaire de société , 1992 .

[226]  P. Davidsson Continued Entrepreneurship: Ability, Need, and Opportunity as Determinants of Small Firm Growth , 1991 .

[227]  J. Love,et al.  New Firm Formation in the British Counties with Special Reference to Scotland , 1991 .

[228]  T. Amburgey,et al.  Organizational Inertia and Momentum: A Dynamic Model Of Strategic Change , 1991 .

[229]  A. Myers,et al.  Entrepreneurial Networks: Their Emergence in Ireland and Overseas , 1991 .

[230]  J. Barney Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage , 1991 .

[231]  G. Hodgson Economics and Institutions: A Manifesto for a Modern Institutional Economics , 1991 .

[232]  L. Filion Vision and Relations: Elements for an Entrepreneurial Metamodel , 1991 .

[233]  B. Gilad,et al.  Characteristics of Opportunities Search of Entrepreneurs Versus Executives: Sources, Interests, General Alertness , 1991 .

[234]  Fondements d'économie industrielle , 1991 .

[235]  J. Coleman Foundations of Social Theory , 1990 .

[236]  W. Baumol Entrepreneurship: Productive, Unproductive, and Destructive , 1990, Journal of Political Economy.

[237]  Alessandro Sterlacchini,et al.  Innovation, formal vs. informal R&D, and firm size: Some evidence from Italian manufacturing firms , 1990 .

[238]  Kathleen M. Eisenhardt,et al.  Speed and Strategic Choice: How Managers Accelerate Decision Making , 1990 .

[239]  Howard E. Aldrich,et al.  Using an Ecological Perspective to Study Organizational Founding Rates , 1990 .


[241]  P. Romer Endogenous Technological Change , 1989, Journal of Political Economy.

[242]  A. Cooper New Business in America. The Firms and Their Owners. , 1990 .

[243]  Z. Ács,et al.  Innovation and Small Firms , 1990 .

[244]  C. Prahalad,et al.  The Core Competence of the Corporation , 1990 .

[245]  P. Julien,et al.  The small business: as a transaction space , 1990 .

[246]  R. Reed,et al.  Causal Ambiguity, Barriers to Imitation, and Sustainable Competitive Advantage , 1990 .

[247]  W. Gartner What are we talking about when we talk about entrepreneurship , 1990 .

[248]  William D. Bygrave,et al.  The Entrepreneur ship Paradigm (I): A Philosophical Look at Its Research Methodologies , 1989 .

[249]  Samuel B. Bacharach,et al.  Organizational Theories: Some Criteria for Evaluation , 1989 .

[250]  H. Stevenson,et al.  The Entrepreneurial Process , 1989 .

[251]  H. D. Soto The Other Path: The Invisible Revolution in the Third World , 1989 .

[252]  B. Kirchhoff,et al.  Formation, growth and survival; Small firm dynamics in the U.S. Economy , 1989 .

[253]  Fast growth small businesses : case studies of 40 small firms in North East England , 1989 .

[254]  Marino Regini,et al.  Strategie di riaggiustamento industriale , 1989 .

[255]  William Woodward A social network theory of entrepreneurship : an empirical study , 1989 .

[256]  O. Favereau Organisation et marché , 1989 .

[257]  Robert Ronstadt,et al.  The Corridor Principle , 1988 .

[258]  Barbara J. Bird Implementing Entrepreneurial Ideas: The Case for Intention , 1988 .

[259]  W. Gartner “Who Is an Entrepreneur?” Is the Wrong Question , 1988 .

[260]  G. Dosi Sources, Procedures, and Microeconomic Effects of Innovation , 1988 .

[261]  Madeleine Akrich,et al.  A quoi tient le succès des innovations ? 1 : L'art de l'intéressement; 2 : Le choix des porte-parole , 1988 .

[262]  Charles W. Hofer,et al.  Improving New Venture Performance: The Role of Strategy, Industry Structure, and the Entrepreneur , 1987 .

[263]  André Farber,et al.  Le financement de l'innovation technologique , 1987 .

[264]  R. Burt Social Contagion and Innovation: Cohesion versus Structural Equivalence , 1987, American Journal of Sociology.

[265]  Keith Pavitt,et al.  The Size Distribution of Innovating Firms in the UK: 1945-1983 , 1987 .

[266]  O. Matsanga L'entrepreneurship au Gabon , 1987 .

[267]  J. Dutton,et al.  The Adoption of Radical and Incremental Innovations: An Empirical Analysis , 1986 .

[268]  C. Prahalad,et al.  The dominant logic: A new linkage between diversity and performance , 1986 .

[269]  Frederic M. Scherer,et al.  Innovation and Growth: Schumpeterian Perspectives , 1986 .

[270]  Richard L. Daft,et al.  Organizational information requirements, media richness and structural design , 1986 .

[271]  W. Baumol Entrepreneurship and a century of growth , 1986 .

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