Control of the laser frequency of the Virgo gravitational wave interferometer with an in-loop relative frequency stability of 1.0 × 10−21 on a 100 ms time scale

The measurement of the space-time structure variations induced by strong cosmic events (supernovae, coalescing binaries of neutron stars, etc.) requires an oscillator with a relative stability of 10−21 on time scales typically ≈100 ms. We demonstrate that the Virgo interferometer with a wavelength of 1.064 °m has a laser frequency with an in-loop stability of 1.0 × 10−21 on a 100 ms time scale, and an in-loop frequency noise of 2 × 10−7 Hz/√Hz at 10 Hz. We show that this fits the specifications. Two references successively stabilize the laser frequency. The first one is a 144 m long suspended cavity; the second one is the common mode of two perpendicular 3 km long Fabry-Perot cavities. The differential mode of the relative length variations of these two optical cavities is the port where we expect the signal for the gravitational waves; this out-of-loop measurement, less sensitive to laser frequency noise, does not show up correlations with the in-loop error signal. This is the best ever performance of short term laser frequency stabilization reported.

G. Prodi | N. Leroy | N. Letendre | M. Lorenzini | V. Loriette | G. Losurdo | E. Majorana | N. Man | M. Mantovani | F. Marchesoni | F. Marion | F. Martelli | A. Masserot | L. Milano | Y. Minenkov | B. Mours | F. Nocera | C. Palomba | F. Paoletti | A. Pasqualetti | R. Passaquieti | D. Passuello | M. Pichot | F. Piergiovanni | L. Pinard | R. Poggiani | M. Punturo | P. Puppo | P. Rapagnani | V. Re | T. Regimbau | F. Ricci | F. Robinet | A. Rocchi | L. Rolland | R. Romano | P. Ruggi | F. Salemi | B. Sassolas | D. Sentenac | R. Sturani | B. Swinkels | M. Tonelli | F. Travasso | G. Vajente | F. Acernese | P. Astone | G. Ballardin | F. Barone | M. Barsuglia | F. Bondu | C. Bradaschia | A. Brillet | H. Bulten | D. Buskulic | G. Cagnoli | E. Calloni | F. Carbognani | R. Cavalieri | G. Cella | É. Chassande-Mottin | A. Chincarini | F. Cleva | E. Coccia | A. Corsi | J. Coulon | E. Cuoco | S. D’Antonio | V. Dattilo | M. Drago | V. Fafone | I. Ferrante | F. Fidecaro | I. Fiori | R. Flaminio | J. Fournier | S. Frasca | F. Frasconi | A. Freise | L. Gammaitoni | F. Garufi | G. Gemme | E. Génin | A. Gennai | A. Giazotto | M. Granata | G. Guidi | H. Heitmann | S. Hild | C. Michel | G. Vedovato | D. Verkindt | F. Vetrano | J. Vinet | H. Vocca | M. Was | M. Yvert | K. Arun | M. Bizouard | V. Brisson | F. Cavalier | M. Davier | P. Hello | D. Huet | A. Colla | R. Day | R. De Rosa | L. Di Fiore | A. Di Lieto | A. D. Di Virgilio | M. Mohan | S. Bigotta | V. Granata | G. Pagliaroli | T. Bauer | M. Beker | L. Bonelli | L. Bosi | B. Canuel | M. Colombini | J. Marque | N. Morgado | I. Neri | J. Colas | S. Pardi | G. Persichetti | L. Carbone | A. Toncelli | C. Boccara | S. Braccini | S. Aoudia | M. Prato | E. Tournefier | E. Campagna | J. Franc | J. Moreau | O. Rabaste | R. Terenzi | C. Corda | S. Chatterji | M. Alshourbagy | F. Antonucci | S. Birindelli | A. Dari | C. Greverie | J. Mackowski | F. Menzinger | A. Morgia | S. Mosca | J. Trummer | J. van den Brand | M. Vavoulidis | M. Del Prete | P. La Penna | M. Di Paolo Emilio | S. van der Putten | A. Viceré