An Information System Prototype for Monitoring and Modeling the Spread of Viral Infections

The paper is devoted to the construction of an information system designed to monitor and model possible variants of coronary virus infection situations. Some of its prototypes are being built. The peculiarities of building promising information systems was analyzed, the purpose of which is to identify, localize the spread and complete elimination of source of viral infections with the active use of methods, tools and techniques inherent in modern information technology. A prototype of the model-monitoring complex system informationtechnological platform has been formed, which is designed to effectively implement the functions of identification, monitoring, modelling and forecasting of the spread of viral infections in society. The basic characteristic by which the authors propose to identify the infected is thehuman body temperature. The paper deals with the construction of an effective temperature screening module, which is based on remote mobile temperature measuring devices, which are installed on unmanned aerial vehicles or installed in the equipment of law enforcement officers (helmets, goggles, etc.). The authors formed a prototype of the hardware of the complex, which in a systematic combination can effectively implement the functions of identification and monitoring of large groups of people who may be carriers, distributors and potentially infected in large crowds, in particular, during various concerts, festivals, rallies, mass festivities, demonstrations, religious ceremonies, sports competitions, etc. The authors developed and tested this model-prognostic complex on real data, which is based on ensembles of mathematical models belonging to the molecular dynamics category. New original results have been obtained, which can be used for further expansion of the functionality proposed by the authors of the innovative class of information Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). systems, which in the future should acquire the status of systems and means of daily use by various target groups, in particular, such as health care workers law and order and power structures. A set of works on approbation of the proposed design and model solutions in the conditions of the pandemic COVID-19 infection was performed. The situation in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine during religious ceremonies on the occasion of Orthodox holidays Palm Sunday and Easter was studied as a model