GPSR-L: Greedy perimeter stateless routing with lifetime for VANETS

The modification of the well known GPSR routing protocol, with the concept of lifetime is proposed. The lifetime is calculated between the node and each of its neighbors. A lifetime timer is set to the lifetime value. This timer helps in determining the quality of link and duration of the neighbor¿s existence. During the next hop selection process, the node selects the neighbor which is closest to the destination with good link quality and non-zero lifetime timer value in contrast to GPSR. This results in appropriate selection of the next hop node in a highly mobile and noisy environment, thus reducing the packet loss. The simulation is conducted for two scenarios where the source and destination are travelling in same and opposite directions. The results showed that GPSR with Lifetime achieved 20% to 40% increase in the packet delivery rate and significant improvement in packet delivery ratio for different ¿HELLO¿ message intervals when compared to GPSR.