Pto Mutants Differentially ActivatePrf-Dependent, avrPto-Independent Resistance and Gene-for-Gene Resistance1

Pto confers disease resistance toPseudomonas syringae pv tomato carrying the cognate avrPto gene. Overexpression ofPto under the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter activates spontaneous lesions and confers disease resistance in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants in the absence ofavrPto. Here, we show that these AvrPto-independent defenses require a functional Prf gene. Several Pto-interacting (Pti) proteins are thought to play a role in Pto-mediated defense pathways. To test if interactions with Pti proteins are required for the AvrPto-independent defense responses by Pto overexpression, we isolated several Pto mutants that were unable to interact with one or more Pti proteins, but retained normal interaction with AvrPto. Overexpression of two mutants,PtoG50S and PtoR150S , failed to activate AvrPto-independent defense responses or confer enhanced resistance to the virulent P. s. pv tomato. When introduced into plants carrying 35S::Pto, 35S::PtoG50S dominantly suppressed the AvrPto-independent resistance caused by former transgene. 35S::Pto G50S also blocked the induction of a number of defense genes by the wild-type 35S::Pto. However, 35S::Pto G50S and 35S::Pto R150S plants were completely resistant to P. s. pv tomato (avrPto), indicating a normal gene-for-gene resistance. Furthermore, 35S::Pto G50S plants exhibited normal induction of defense genes in recognition of avrPto. Thus, the AvrPto-independent defense activation and gene-for-gene resistance mediated by Pto are functionally separable.

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